Spring background

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Playing with mommy

Brandon has finally figured out how to sit and now gets into the sitting position often. Which I thought was weird, since he has been "cruising" along the furniture for a couple months.
Sticking out his tongue and spitting on us (and the sliding glass door) is a new favorite.

Aren't those cheeks so kissable??? I often watch him just study his toys (before they make it to his mouth).

Tricks of the week

Brandon is learning more tricks and keeping us as busy as ever. He has discovered he can open the cabinets, which has prompted Kevin to install the cabinet locks! He now will stand alone momentarily and has started waving bye-bye. Kevin and I have decided that Brandon is going to be a climber....and of course at this age he is fearless!
I think he is finally feeling better, his appetite has returned and boy can he eat! He is now wearing 12-month size clothes!!!! I have had to start investing in 18-month size clothes.....mostly for the length.
Still waiting for the third tooth to completely break through the gums!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

8 months with the monkey

Brandon still loves taking pictures with his monkey. It is getting a little harder for him to be still long enough to take the picture. Usually when he sees the camera, he tries to grab it and chew on any part he can get into his mouth.
Brandon uses the monkey as a chew toy as well as a wrestling partner. He is working on his third tooth right now.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Brandon often stands against the back of the couch and bounces up and down. He'll even start laughing if we play peek-a-boo from behind the couch. Kevin can really get him laughing by kissing his thighs or tummy. We have also noticed that he will start "bouncing" with the music when a song comes on (still trying to catch that on video).
We still only have the bottom two teeth, though with as much as he has been chewing and drooling lately, we are expecting more any day now. We're still dealing with a runny, congested nose but hopefully as we finish up the antibiotics that will improve. Brandon being sick has taken really affected his appetite and sleeping habits.
I think Brandon has started getting separation anxiety, he sometimes cries when I leave the room, end if Kevin is holding him. This may make dropping him off at daycare a little less easy in the morning.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just another day

It seems Brandon looks more and more like Kevin as the weeks pass. Isn't his round head cute??? He has perfected his "cruising" and will sometimes momentarily stand by himself. Nothing is safe from Brandon now!!! The toliet paper roll is his newest discovery, he really likes to unroll as much toliet paper as possible before he gets caught.
He is still struggling with a sinus infection and has been started on antibiotics. Hopefully we don't have to deal with many colds/infections this winter....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Kevin can really get Brandon giggling. He gets a little "silly" in the evenings before bedtime. He has mastered the pincher-grasp and getting down from standing (on his own). He really likes to cruise along the furniture and spend time in the backyard (although he isn't very fond of the feel of the grass yet). He loves to watch the birds. We still only have two teeth but maybe we will see a few more soon.

I think he actually said "Mama" on Monday night. I was entertaining him on the changing table while Kevin diapered him and he looked at me and said it!!! It was probably a coincidence but I'll take it.