Spring background

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

monkey time

Who knew taking a bath could make him so happy. We couldn't resist these cute new monkey pajamas.
Under the table is one of his new favorite places...maybe he takes after Mommy (Grandma Thomas knows what this means!) Is there anything better than that smile....

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Just having to explore everything at Grandpa's house!!!
Helping set up camp at Big Lake for Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Ray, mostly just exploring the area.
Always the helper, Brandon helped change the tire.
Grandpa and Brandon!!!!
Happy Father's Day!!! We had a great weekend visiting Grandpa in the White Mountains. Brandon spent almost the entire weekend outside playing and exploring. He is finally warming up to my Dad, he actually sat in his lap and gave him a kiss goodbye.
Brandon is finally getting his nineth tooth (top, right), although I am not sure yet if it's a molar as Brandon still doesn't like his mouth probed. I would have thought five months of getting his teeth brushed would make it easier...
He is having a great time spending two days a week with Grandma Payne this summer, he calls Grandma, "Nama". Thanks Diane for helping us out again this summer!!!
My mom still comes over every Wednesday after work, he loves see both his Grandma's.
Pregnancy update: All is well for baby Payne #2 and I. I can't beleive how sensitive I am to the heat. This baby moves with lots of force and Kevin got to feel it this weekend too. I have to remind myself to enjoy this part of the pregnancy (before the baby gets too big and we are both too big to be comfortable). We have our next ultrasound on July 29th. Keep your fingers crossed that the placenta has moved up and out of the way. Still haven't settled on a name but still have lots of time for that. I decided on the Enchanted Hollow bedding set, it's too cute.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just relaxing

I was finally able to get a picture of Brandon sound asleep in his car seat. Look at that expression on his face!!! We wore him out by going out to dinner and then checking out the new REI store.
He absolutely loves his new big boy chair, it's just about his favorite place to hang out, not to mention he uses it to get up onto the couch. He has also figured out how to use his "tow mater" truck as a step stool to reach things that are usually out of his reach!
He is becoming a little ham when the camera comes out......such a big smile. I would have thought by now he would have more teeth but we still just have the eight in front...

Pregnancy update: Still feeling pretty good except for the backaches (which seem constant), getting larger by the day (or so it seems). I have decided that maternity wear is too expensive to invest in (since I am pregnany over the summer this time), so I have started wearing scrubs to work, and am loving it! I am still scheduled for another ultrasound ~29 weeks to check on that darn placenta. At my last OB appointment, the MD briefly discussed that a c-section may be in my future but we'll wait and see what the ultrasound shows. We are still working on getting the 3rd bedroom ready for our new addition, it's been a slow precess. Still debating first names however we are in agreement that the middle name will be James (after my dad).

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh little Monkey

Brandon is bigger than his Monkey now.
I love my monkey....and Mommy loves her little monkey too.
A memory not to forget: Brandon shaking his finger at me and saying "no, no, no", just like mommy does to him when he is doing something he shouldn't be.