The Catalina Mountains. It doesn't snow very often in the desert, but it sure is beautiful when it does!!!
Spring background
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Desert Snow
The Catalina Mountains. It doesn't snow very often in the desert, but it sure is beautiful when it does!!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Busiest room in the house
"I got you crazy toes!"
Friday, February 25, 2011
Soaking up the sun
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sooo tired
This past weekend, while Kevin was hunting and with Brandon finally getting over being sick for 3 weeks (topped off by getting an ear infection), Mason decided being sick would add to my fun. Poor little guy, he kept us both up at night and by Monday was diagnosed with RSV (bronchiolitis, for which we are giving him breathing treatments) and an ear infection (gotta love the hot pink amoxicillin, this stuff hasn't change since I was a child...). I am pretty sure that I only slept for about 3 hours on Monday night.
Parenthood is the toughest job I have had, some days I feel as though I am clocking out of the hospital and should be "clocking in" at home for my second job. But having said that NOTHING is better than having Brandon come up to me, give me a hug, a kiss and tell me "Love you Mommy" and to see Mason's smiling face. Now, if I could just figure out a way to get paid for being "Mommy"!!! Maybe if I add a fancy job title or two..."Mommy, CFO, CEO".
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
4 month & 2 year MD appointments
Mason's 4 month ckeck-up:
height: 25in (50%ile)
weight: 17 lbs 6 oz (90%ile)
head cir: 43cm (75%ile)
Mason is on track, definitely in the "oral" phase, is trying to sit up, can stand (with assistance, of course), starting to roll over and doing better with tummy time, and loves to be a social butterfly! He is mostly smiles and laughs from deep in the belly when played with.
Brandon's 2 year check-up:
height: 36.5 in (90%ile)
weight: 33.5 lbs (95%ile)
Brandon is doing well. He is able to string together 5-6 word sentences, has a vocabulary of 100's words, and always seems to have something to say. He knows colors, some shapes, and is able to correctly label pictures in all the books we read. He has perfected tantrums, running, climbing, and dancing to the music.
height: 25in (50%ile)
weight: 17 lbs 6 oz (90%ile)
head cir: 43cm (75%ile)
Mason is on track, definitely in the "oral" phase, is trying to sit up, can stand (with assistance, of course), starting to roll over and doing better with tummy time, and loves to be a social butterfly! He is mostly smiles and laughs from deep in the belly when played with.
Brandon's 2 year check-up:
height: 36.5 in (90%ile)
weight: 33.5 lbs (95%ile)
Brandon is doing well. He is able to string together 5-6 word sentences, has a vocabulary of 100's words, and always seems to have something to say. He knows colors, some shapes, and is able to correctly label pictures in all the books we read. He has perfected tantrums, running, climbing, and dancing to the music.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day!
In the past I have retitled this day, "Single Awareness Day", as I really can't think of another day that makes those without a significant other more aware of it!!! And who's bright idea was it that my valentine should only shower me with love and affection on just one day of the year? This is why I have discouraged my valentine from the usual flowers and candy on this day, after all, shouldn't he shower me with this type of affection & attention every day of the year??? Enough said.
We are really starting to see progress with our home physical therapy routine. Mason is more often looking left and is starting to make more of an effort to roll onto his stomach. Hopefully Charlene (our PT) will think so to.
In the past I have retitled this day, "Single Awareness Day", as I really can't think of another day that makes those without a significant other more aware of it!!! And who's bright idea was it that my valentine should only shower me with love and affection on just one day of the year? This is why I have discouraged my valentine from the usual flowers and candy on this day, after all, shouldn't he shower me with this type of affection & attention every day of the year??? Enough said.
We are really starting to see progress with our home physical therapy routine. Mason is more often looking left and is starting to make more of an effort to roll onto his stomach. Hopefully Charlene (our PT) will think so to.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Super Bowl Sunday
Diane (Grandma Payne) hosted Super Bowl XLV Sunday (Packers vs Steelers) this year. We had lots of fun with all the kids and the food was delicious. We will miss hanging out with Brian's family, as they will soon be starting a new adventure in Alamogordo, NM!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
"Mommy hold you", what he says when he wants to be held
"Rotator mouth", what he says when asking for a multivitamin
"Brandon hurts", when he's not feeling well
Brandon is getting better at throwing a ball, kicking a ball, and of course has already mastered running.
His "shy" smile when he stops nursing to look at me
The way his face looks with his arms stretched up by his head after a nap (Brandon made this same face as an infant).
Mason has kept use guessing at night over the past couple weeks, he is waking up often at night, which makes for tired parents the next day. So we have been offering additional formula at night to see if that helps (it seems to be).
I can't wait to decorate the walls (or at least a wall in each of their rooms) with the kids artwork when they get older! Thanks to Aunt Sharon for the great idea for displaying it all.
"Mommy hold you", what he says when he wants to be held
"Rotator mouth", what he says when asking for a multivitamin
"Brandon hurts", when he's not feeling well
Brandon is getting better at throwing a ball, kicking a ball, and of course has already mastered running.
His "shy" smile when he stops nursing to look at me
The way his face looks with his arms stretched up by his head after a nap (Brandon made this same face as an infant).
Mason has kept use guessing at night over the past couple weeks, he is waking up often at night, which makes for tired parents the next day. So we have been offering additional formula at night to see if that helps (it seems to be).
I can't wait to decorate the walls (or at least a wall in each of their rooms) with the kids artwork when they get older! Thanks to Aunt Sharon for the great idea for displaying it all.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
"Left Torticollis"
We had our initial PT eval this am. It's official, Mason has a "mild" case of left torticollis. This means we will be seeing our physical therapist, most likely on a monthly basis, but we will know more in two weeks (at our next appointment).
I can't help but feel as if I have failed my son, despite being reassured by Charlene, our therapist, that is likely not the case. It seems we are making up for all the good health that Brandon had with poor little Mason.
I can't help but feel as if I have failed my son, despite being reassured by Charlene, our therapist, that is likely not the case. It seems we are making up for all the good health that Brandon had with poor little Mason.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Baby Couponista
Did a few hours spent clipping coupons, scouring the ads, and making my list pay off? Yes, but there is still room for improvement. I spent $89.63 and saved $64.66 at Fry's!!! Not too bad for my first attempt. I did get quite a bit of product, even items I wouldn't normaaly buy at the grocery store!
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