Spring background

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer starts

Since yesterday was about 94 degrees, Brandon spent the afternoon just hanging around in his diaper (as we haven't turned on the air conditioner yet).

Brandon has also discovered he can adjust the volume of his voice lately. He starts talking to us and by the end of the "conversation" he is squealing as loud as he can! He is getting better at tummy time and is reaching out and (successfully) grabbing the toys on the toy bar of the bouncy chair. He still seems to prefer "standing", and has started trying to army crawl (which usually fustrates him). I'm still waiting for him to do more rolling over. His hands are now a favorite item and he usually tries to put both of them in his mouth at the same time.
Brandon is still taking naps during the day but the length of his naps vary based on where he is sleeping (in the bouncy chair vs the pack n play/crib).
Tomorrow I return to work.....hopefully we have another good night tonight. Brandon let me slept again from 8:30 pm to 3:40 am last night!!!! I will miss Brandon like crazy however I am taking some pictures with me to work to show him off. Wish me luck!!!!

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