Brandon seems to change so much each week, it's hard to keep up with it all. Here are a few more things that I don't want to forget as Brandon gets older:
1. plops in my lap with a book in his hands
2. dancing to the music, any tune will do
3. practically runs away from us when he has something he is not supposed to have
4. started throwing mini-temper tantrums.....boy is that fun, especially when we take something away from him
More developmental achievements:
1. says two words: Mama & Dada
2. Follows simple commands (bring me the book/toy)
3. put objects into containers
4. takes objects out containers (is very good at this, fast too!)
5. has started imitating us, can wave, clap, shake his head no
6. drinks from a sippy sup, our cups, and a straw
7. walks well (has been doing this since ~10 months, can walk sideways
8. started using utensils (with our help)
9. lifts his shirt, points to his belly button when asked where is your belly button
10. stack his mega blocks
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