After more weeks (yes, weeks) of getting up 3-4 times a night with Mason, we decided another doctor visit was in order. I was determined that "something" had to be wrong with him as there had to be another explanation for the endless sleepless nights besides "bad habits". I felt happy, or better yet, relieved when Dr. Gloudeman's said "yep, he still seems to have an ear infection". This was promptly followed by feeling like a bad mother for not realizing sooner my baby wasn't feeling well. By the way, thanks to Deannea (my co-worker) for the thought that he may have an ear infection despite not having the usual symptoms.
So now we are on the next level of antibiotics, which lucky for us only has to be given once a day. Beware all parents who have to give there children Cefdinir....what goes in white, comes out a shade of red!!!!
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