Spring background

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mason is Mobile

Look out world, Mason is on the move (just two days shy of 7 months)!!!! He started crawling today, after weeks of rocking back and forth on his hands and knees) and couldn't be happier with his new found freedom. Brandon, on the other hand, is less than enthused with the thought of sharing "his" toys, demonstrating his displeasure by quickly taking away whatever Mason is holding. Ah, brotherly love, let the fun begin! I suppose I now get to add "Referee" to my list of titles...
Mason is sleeping through the night ~95% of the time, still has no teeth, and loves to eat. He is now crawling but has yet to pull himself to his knees or feet. He loves to sit on his bum and use his hands/mouth to explore everything around him.
I still can't get over how incredibly different the boys are. Mason is still barely napping (compared to Brandon's 3-4 hour afternoon nap, which he started doing around this age and is still doing at 2 yrs, 4 mos). Thank goodness for having one kiddo that naps well!

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