Spring background

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sleepness nights

What is it about sleep deprivation that makes my judgement a little less than good at o'dark thirty??? For all those parents who have seen too many 3 am's...you know what I mean. It seemed like a good idea to feed the baby so we could all go back to sleep but now (at 3pm) I realize that we are not helping our son to learn how to soothe himself at night. Here we are, almost 10 months since Mason came home and I still go to bed every night hoping that he will sleep through the night, hoping that he got enough to eat (although the books say sleep is now independent of eating), but knowing that he is going to wake up. He usually just wants his pacifier (yes another crutch Brandon did not have the pleasure of having), which I gladly stick back in his mouth and then return to bed. Don't get me wrong, every now and then we will get the pleasure of sleeping until ~5:30am, but most nights we are awaken by crying. It makes for a rough day at work, to say the least.
How could I have screwed up this little guy's sleeping habits when I did so well with Brandon's sleep habits?. And yes, I foolishly claim ownership of Brandon being such a good sleeper (from ~4-5 months old, even at 2 and a half years old), after all it was I who had the pleasure of hearing him cry himself to sleep at a couple months old for naps (I remember the sound, something akin to nails down a caulk board for new mothers).
My favorite time of day with the boys is from 6 am to ~9:30am, as we all seem to be the happiest during those hours, even if little sleep was had. The evening hours are the witching hours....the evening seems to be a mad dash to make/eat dinner, clean up, bathe the boys, read books, fight about brushing teeth, and then finally get them into bed. Then finish what else needs to get done (most nights), all so we can go to work the next day feeling just a bit in control of the day!
Okay, enough about me missing sleep....time to do something about it!

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