I see a lot of outside time in our future, especially camping trips (which we are excited for this summer). I'm sure as soon as the boys are old enough to go hunting or at least antler hunting, we'll be combing the hillsides for sheds!!! I hope one day to recreate a photo I have seen many times at Diane's house. It's a picture of Dave, Brian, and Kevin all wearing their backpacks, ready for a hike, I think somewhere in Colorado. It's just too cute to see them at such a young age all ready for the great outdoors.
After a long weekend with momma, both boys were ready to snuggle in and go to bed, happy as clams that Daddy had returned from hunting! It's really kinda cute to watch them arrange all their stuff (blanket, wooby, sippy with water) and settle down together. There is just something ultra-comforting about Momma's bed, both boys love to have the privledge of being there.
I will admit however, we have started a bad habit of letting Brandon fall asleep in our bed at night. It' just another comfort that he loves and I dread the thought of having to stop it. He is able to be transfered to his bed and stays there the rest of the night. On the good side, he has really stopped fighting the night routine, when he is ready for be, he collects his stuff, asks for water, and is agreeable to teeth brushing and using the potty! I'll take it as a small victory.
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