Spring background

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Boys at play

 Brandon, ever the big brother, shows Mason how to use something.  Can you tell that Mason doesn't really care as he just wants to "hold it".  That is one of his other favorite phrases.

 "Here Lilly, drink some water."


Despite our efforts since moving in, our backyard still has a fair amount of cactus and other plants with stickers that have caused numerous tearful moments for the boys.  These pokey plants have conditioned Brandon to "like the backyard at the old house better" and for Mason to think that anything in his shoe/foot is a sticker.  Everyday that we play outside, Mason will eventually walk up to me, hold up his foot, and demand the "sticker" be removed.  He has adapted this in his inside play but plucking imaginary stickers from our feet, which is all very cute.  He'll come over, inspect your foot, use his thumb/forefinger to pull out the sticker while saying "Ahh".  The cutest part is when he looks so proud of himself for making it all better.

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