"Stick" |
Watering the hole where the barrel cactus used to be! |
Helping daddy transplant the barrel cactus |
Watch out, I figured this sprayer nozzle out!
We have been on a mission to get our backyard more kiddo-friendly, which is hard with all the cactus. So this weekend we (ok, I was the supervisor, Kev did all the work!) transplanted our three barrel cactus from the area right off the porch to the west side of our lot. Hopefully they will re-establish and continue to thrive. Next up, remove all the jagged, decorative rock so eventually we can put down pavers to extend the porch!
The boys were little helpers, watering the cactus to help loosen the roots, and then shoveling dirt around the cactus and watering them in their new spots.
The boys got free balloons from Home Depot, which meant this was the focus of Brandon's day! It seems he has the tendency to get attached to random objects, even wanting to take his nap with the balloon. Thanks to the friendly folks at Home Depot, we may be returning on the first Saturday of each month for projects and a free apron!
My little helper, always willing to get his hands dirty and help!
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