Spring background

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Questions from my 3 yr old!

Brandon is very inquisitive, always inquiring about the happenings in his world.   I suppose this is pretty typical for a three and a half year old however he can be absolutely unrelenting until he hears the most detailed of answers.  And watch out, if he is not satisifed with your answer he will let you know! 

Most of our questions come during our car rides to and from daycare.  This is our time to "discuss" the day's happenings.  It's funny to me that Brandon can usually NEVER remember what he ate for breakfast or lunch but he poses his complex questions.  Here are some examples:
1. "How do spiders make webs?"
2. "What makes electricity?  Why does the electricity charge your phone?"

These next couple questions were asked on the way to work this am:

1. "Why is the sky blue?" (my answer: "God made the dirt brown and the sky blue so you could tell up from down")
2. "How does God take your soul to heaven?"

Yes, this question was word for word from his mouth!  I was shocked by his question and couldn't imagine how he could grasp the concept of a "soul".  I have to admit, it took a moment for me to formulate my answer (since it was 6:50am), "Well, God sends a special angel to hold your hand and lead you back to heaven so you don't get lost".  My answer must have satisfied because all he said was, "oh, okay".   

I better start brushing up on my studies....I fear these questions are only going to get harder.

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