Spring background

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mason's 2nd Birthday Party

the cousins

Ms Brandie & Mason

Such a big boy
 I can't believe my little baby is now two years old!  Where did the time go???  Lucky for me he is going through a "mommy" phase and insists I hold him, carry him around sometimes (which I love despite his hefty weight, ~35 lbs), and cuddle with him at night before bed.  As I have been told, I am trying to savor every moment of him at this age, as he is just so delicious (and nutritious) and growing up so fast. 

It was a great day to be at the park (Canada del Oro Riverfront Park) celebrating Mason's day with our friends and family.  Mason absolutely loved his contruction cupcake cake (thanks to Fry's) although he surprised us by not eating very much of it.  He has such different food preferences than Brandon did.  He has a major sweet tooth, loves all snack foods (the saltier the better), and seems to be turning his nose to fruits/vegetables sometimes (picture a sad Nutritionist Mommy face right now). 

Thanks to everyone for all the great gifts he received.  The theme of this birthday was definitely tractors and construction stuff!  He loves all that he received and has been sharing nicely with his brother (most of the time).  A special thanks to Ruth for handing-down an old scooter, which both boys are so excited to ride!!!

Masonisms to remember:
Putting his wubby on his head and saying "Look at me!"
"Hey mommy!"-he'll prefers to call our for me at night and when he can't find me
"Lay right here" as he pats the bed next to him-his direction for me to cuddle him
"No, you find it!"-when he's too lazy to look for what he wants
"I got it"
I'm sure there are many more but I'm drawing a blank right now.  I'll add them as I think of them!

He usually skips or runs where ever he is going.  He loves his brother and usually doesn't want to be without him.  He has all but two molars, though not all of his teeth are completely in.  He can undress from the waist down and is still interested in potty-training.  He is being weaned off the pacy, still loves both of his wubbies, and is super smart.  His vocabulary is huge, though was are still working on colors and shapes.  He loves to be read to and loves to identify things in the books.  He loves everything with wheels, but especially tractor-type items (as if his party didn't give it away) and he is quite mischievous. 

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