Brandon had his 4 yr well check today. He is right on track with his milestones, even exceeding some milestones according to Dr. Gloudemans. He speaks in clear, full sentences (sometimes stringing together a paragraph worth of thoughts), is getting better with letter recognition, is still doing well with simple adding/subtracting, has improving fine motor skills, and is sometimes too smart for his own good. He is constantly asking questions about the world around him, especially if he hears a word he doesn't know. He is my little helper when we are out, he is getting better with understanding consequences and still loves to manipulate items (putting his PVC pieces together, playing with the legos, doing puzzles). He is becoming quite the ladies man too, he'll often tell me, "Momma, you look pretty and I love you!". And no, he doesn't tell me that when he wants something, usually it's out of the blue!
He has maintained his growth curve at the 97%ile for both height and weight! He is 51 lbs and 43 3/4 inches tall....again, I grow large children!
Lucky for him, he only received two shots (4 vaccines in total) today and likely won't need shots again until close to 10 yrs old! He was my brave little guy, letting Kevin and the nurse hold him down, but they did cause quite a stream of tears. Ah, the least favorite part of being a parent, seeing you child in pain but knowing it's for their own good. Poor Mason, he looked concerned the entire visit, once even telling me, "Brandon is my friend, don't get shots!"
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