Spring background

Monday, October 21, 2013

Preschool update

Mason was moved up to the 3 yr old room last week and it has been a lot better for him and us.  He no longer talks negatively about going to daycare, some mornings he almost seems happy to go.  He really likes to drop Brandon off at his class and then proceeds to lead the way to his room, even helping to put his lunch and cup in the frig.  He really seems to like his morning teacher a lot better, gets to be on the 3 yr and older side of the playground, and to top it off his best "buddy" Declan is also in his class.  He still seems a bit sad to see us leave in the morning but we have been told he has been doing really well. 
Brandon has been enjoying St Mark's ECC since the beginning, he really seems to thrive in a more structured, school type environment.  The teachers regularly tell me how "wonderful" he is and that he too is doing well.  They tell me that he will spend the entire first hour doing arts 'n' crafts or playing with the wooden blocks (which he loves because they are different colors and shapes) while the other kids are being dropped off.  Preschool class is still his favorite time of day and he has made friends in that class also.  I am still working on teaching him to write his letters at home but now I just follow along with the preschool letter of the week and that seems to help. 

Still can't believe Brandon will be in Kindergarten next year.....I think my heart may break a little when we no longer have our extra day off together during the week however I know Mason will LOVE to have the extra time alone with Momma!

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