Brandon is in kindergarten and our whole world is rising to the challenge of daily school (and lunch/snack making for Momma).
Brandon's front bottom tooth is loose and we can see the adult tooth starting to break through (behind it). Can't believe my little guy may lose his first baby tooth, it's all happening so fast! He also has the start of a cavity between his back left molars....bummer. The dentist gave us some tips...floss and special tooth paste, in hopes we can keep it small and not need to fill it in 6 months. We'll give it our best and wait to see!
book: 365 science experiments and an insect book (yes, we actually read through the entire experiment....can't wait til he can read)
toy: Snap Circuits and all other electronics that Daddy will let him have (i.e. our old laptop, an old keyboard, and various cords). Brandon LOVES technology and science....he keeps telling us he is going to be an engineer when he gets older!
movie:Wall-E and Cars 2, Frozen
TV show: How it's Made (yes, still an old favorite) and still loves to watch cooking shows early in the am.
Food: cheese crisp, kalamata olives, all fruits (pretty sure Brandon would eat this every night if I'd let him), and dinner at Las Margaritas with Grandpa
Nicknames: "b", little button (he calls Momma big button), bebers
Friends at school: Raymond and Roger, so far, although Kelsey and TJ are in the other kinder class.
Brandon is still not overly interested in sports, opted to not play soccer this fall but is excelling in his swim class. I have been seriously considering finding club/camps that are science/tech oriented for him. He does like to play outside but seems to hate the heat. He loves to go camping and be in the mountains.
He is getting better at writing lower case letters (has long ago mastered upper case) and is working on his sight words. He writes his name well and likes to sound out letters (if in a good mood).
He is still my early riser and is my awesome sleeper. He only has a night time accident once or twice a month, which make Momma (and Grandma Diane) soooo happy to not have to wash his sheets so often.
Mason just started preschool at St Marks with Mrs. Pitcher and is still doing well with Ms Shanna for daycare. He has made a new friend, Luke, since Declan changed schools. He is still very shy and very sensitive but is a chatter box once he warms up.
Mason is sooo much Momma's boy. He "needs" me to snuggle him before bed, and until recently would come visit me nightly after waking needing to use the bathroom. Got to admit, I will miss the 2am snuggles.
He is quite the sports-oriented kid and can't wait to start playing soccer (but he doesn't meet the age requirement). He is high energy, loves to run, jump, and play catch. He spends tons of time finding bugs in the dirt, and loves to wrestle.
book: The Diggers, "Goldbug" (Cars & Trucks and things that go), The Coyote that Swallowed the...
toy: ANYTHING with wheels but still fairly partial to tractors
movie: Cars 2, Brave, Frozen
TV show: Octonauts, Bubble Guppies
food: Slurpies (pasta noodles), blackberries (but not if they are sour) & strawberries, cheese sticks (especially if they are eaten after 8pm and his teeth are brushed), and of course dinner at Las Margaritas with Grandpa
Nicknames: Masers, Nony-bug, piggy
Mason knows his numbers, colors, shapes, has a huge vocabulary, and does not hesitate to "express" himself. He is good at counting to 12 and often refers to the letters "B" and "M" as numbers.