Spring background

Thursday, August 7, 2014

1st day of Kindergarten for Brandon!!!!

Brandon is all ready to start kindergarten, supplies have been dropped off, he picked out a new backpack, got new clothes/shoes, and is wearing his classic Brandon smile!

Brandon is attending the same elementary school that Momma went too!

Cousin Ally is in 1st grade and they get to see each other on the playground!

Lined up and ready to wave goodbye to all the parents! 

This morning was such a bittersweet transition for us all.  I "bravely" held back tears as Brandon starts this new phase of his life!  To be honest, had I posted this the night before school started, it would have been with tears streaming down my face (and probably with lots of pictures of him as a baby).  
Ironically, there was a time when I though I couldn't wait for my kiddos to start school, thinking their would be less "momma-induced guilt", our schedule would get easier, it all would get easier.  How foolish was I, shouldn't I realize by now that each new "phase" comes with it's own set of new challenges and rewards????  Like riding the bus....not sure who was more anxious about it, me or him.  It kills me that for five and a half years I have never let him out of my sight except to place him in the care of daycare/preschool programs that I have chosen and trust, so imagine my Momma-craziness with the thought of letting him get on the bus with a complete stranger, hoping he'll get to school and back home in one piece.  As a parent, it never really downed on me until this summer how much trust I have to place in complete strangers to ensure the safety of my babies!!!!

This morning was filled with a little anxiety for B and I.  Kevin and I dropped him off for the first day and it was super cute to see all the kids and parents on the playground waiting for the first bell to sound.  Brandon quickly found Ally on the playground and that gave me a little comfort.  He is fortunate enough to have Ally, Chloe, and Sarah all at the same elementary school, which means he'll see Sarah at PAL/CEP, see Ally on the playground, and rides the bus home with all three girls! 
It was pretty cute to see the kiddos all scurry when the bell rang.  Poor Brandon, he seemed almost startled by the bell and practically ran kids over trying to find his classroom and teacher.  The look on his face was priceless!   He quickly gathered his backpack and got in line to wave goodbye to the all the parents, no tears from him or us.

Fortunate for me I was off and got to pick him up from school the first day!  I almost couldn't wait for 2:45 to come around so I could get him.  I love to see the look on his face when he realizes I am there to get him, I love, love, love that BIG smile.

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