Spring background

Monday, February 23, 2015

B's 6 year old well check...growin' em big & strong

Brandon did so well at his 6 yr old well check with our pediatrician, he was all smiles since he didn't have to get any shots this year!  He got a clean bill of health and was excited to find out that the MA had also gone to his elementary school.
He weighs in at 61 lbs and 49.5 inches tall, still holding strong in his growth curve at the 97 percentile...since birth!  He passed his vision and hearing test although his vision is 20/30, which I am told is normal for his age. 
He chatted with the doc and told her all about his friends at school, his favorite healthy foods, "broccoli, strawberries, blackberries, carrots, tomatoes...", and that he knows his letters and numbers and is working on reading and his sight words.   

Brandon is now wearing a boys size 7-8 and is in a boys size 3 shoe!!!  He is definitely getting long and lean.  He has tons of freckles on his face and I am pretty sure he looks a lot like my Dad in his younger years (I recently found a picture of my Dad in his early teens to show to Brandon, he thought that was pretty neat).  Brandon is still a "collector" of all things needed.  I though by now the pack-rat phase would have passed but I am wrong! 
Brandon loves the giant white board we got at Costco.  He loves to pull out all the white board supplies and draw, practice writing, and being the teacher for Mason! 
Some of B's favorite's are:
food: taco burrito's, cheese crisp, fruit, strawberry popsicles
toy: Knex, Snap Curcuits, Lego's...really anything he can manipulate!
movie: Wall-E (still he tells me)
TV show: How it's made, Factory Made, Build it Bigger, and Gold Rush (our Friday night usual)
other favorites: organizing stuff in his storage bins, he still likes to help bake, he still loves the chemistry sets and figuring out how things work.  He is still his Daddy's little shadow and they have big plans to modify the lighting on Daddy's new truck!  They even drew it out on the white board one night!  Yep, still pretty sure he is going to be an engineer of some sort!
favorite "going out to eat spots": Las Margaritas with Grandpa or pizza!
He can be as stubborn as can be and has this quirky little expression when he thinks he is right.  He has become more and more independent in play and getting himself ready to go in the mornings.  He still absolutely loves to create/build and has the biggest imagination.  He and Mason often have conflicts but I'm sure at this age that is usual.  It seems we can't go a day, or hour for that matter, without some disagreement.  This has been a struggle for me with parenting as I often find my patience is worn thin by the the end of the day! But usually they get along and like to play with each other, as long as Mason is following Brandon's directions...
We still have weekly swim lessons and will be starting T-ball again.  Brandon seems less interested in sports but hopefully he will find his niche in sports since Kevin and I think that is very important.

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