Spring background

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kinder celebration

Yep,, he is officially a 1st grader!

my loves

oh attitude....

There is Brandon in the back row.  Notice how the handmade design on his shirt is organized and neat....engineer in the making!

singing along with the song

It brought tears to my eyes when they announced the "class of 2027"!!!   

Next to his artwork from the end of the year!
Here are a few memories from kindergarten at Mesa Verde: Teacher: Mrs Stephenson.  Favorite classroom item: the smart board (much like the over head projector of our day but way better and linked to the computer), Friends he made: Raymond, Roger, Rene, and Sienna.  Favorite day of the week:1/2 day Wednesday because "they are shorter days" and Rene's mom would often come and cook for the class.
His favorite weekly class: art and science.
At the end of the program they played a slide show that had a picture of each child and what they wanted "to be".  Can you guess what was listed next to his picture????  Yep, Electrical Engineer!

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