Happy 3rd birthday Brandon! I can't believe you have blessed our lives for three years already...boy does time fly.
Brandon is still talking up a storm, using vocabulary I didn't know a three year could have. He is working on his numbers, occasionally counting up to ten out of the blue, although he is doesn't really seem interested in learning his numbers/letters yet...or maybe it's my approach. He loves to play with Play-Doh, to explore the great outdoors, and of course he LOVES his vacuums (now he personally owns two, a Red Dirt Devil and a 1-gallon Shop-vac). He seems to be moving out of the terrible two's (or Kevin and I have just gotten used to it!!!) and is getting better at taking direction from us. Don't get me wrong, he is quite, um lets say, "strong willed" when he wants to be (where does he get that? Ha, Ha, Ha) and loves to ask a questions. It's kind of funny, he'll ask a question, listen to your answer, then he'll give a funny look, roll he eyes while shaking his head, and respond with a "No!"
It's cute to see him with Mason, he's getting better about being gentle and sharing (although Mason is learning to hold his own), and I can already see their friendship developing. He usually can't wait for Mason to get up from his nap and will run into to greet him, "Hi Mas", as soon as he hears him calling out.
We continued our annual birthday tradition by having breakfast at IHOP with the kids. Brandon seems less and less interested in food these days however Mason can still polish off a Daddy-size portion!
Just wait for the Terrible Three's to hit! Ugh!