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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

No resolutions...

I'm pretty sure I have said this before but I'll say it again, I don't believe in New Year resolutions! Resolutions are just a glaring opportunity for me to set myself up to fail. After all shouldn't my goals be set based on my needs not just because the calendar says it's January 1st?

Here are my goals:
1. Be a frugal as possible.
Plan: This is probably everybody's goal thanks to the ecomony, but I have a plan and if I can stick to it, I hope to save a few bucks (need to pay off my car you know!). Weekly grocery bill = $75 (same as last year), limit trips to Target and Costco = this should save at least $75/month, as I just love to spend money at these stores. I am realistic though, I have two growing boys (and husband) and I realize Costco (for certain items) is great. I will also admit, I love to buy groceries in bulk...which often goes against the "Extreme Couponing" concept.
2. Participiate in the Warrior Dash and Bisbee 1000
Plan: By paying a registration fee, which is non-refundable, I have more motivation to focus on running and not let the day-to-day life interrupt what is important to me...my health! I may weigh what I did pre-pregnancy however things just don't look the same. I have already started the year out sticking to my goal of running on the weekends, now I just need to prioritize running on Wednesdays and Fridays.
3. Worry less about needing to have a clean house and focus more on the kiddos
Plan: This is so simple, clean less, play with the kids more!

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