Spring background

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

"I don't want to be quiet!"

Mason has been getting more and more vocal these days, even "yelling" at us to get our attention. His favorite words are: Mom-ma, Dad-dy, Dog-gy (which he uses for most animals), ball, deer, and elk. He is working hard on repleting words we are using but I think he'll be a little slower than Brandon when it comes to talking. I wonder why since he probably hears far more words/conversation than Brandon did at this age (thanks to Brandon's non-stop chatter).
He definitely knows his two signs, "all done" and "more" and doesn't hesitant to use these to convey his message!

Brandon on the other hand is a NON-STOP conversationalist! He is more often asking questions and occasionally stumping Momma for answers. I try to give the correct answer but sometimes I just can't always put it simple enough! He is now randomly recalling song lyrics and lines from his favorite movies ("Just keep swimming, just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo. Brandon seems to be grasping numbers, most often correctly showing with his fingers how many things are!

Although our house usually seems like a chaotic mess, I would be awfully lonely without my little guys to keep me company!

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