Spring background

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another spring day

Mason lounging in the newly laid Bob-sod. This is round #2 for grass in our little backyard. The dogs are pretty hard on it, so for the time being, they have been fenced off of it to let it "get established"!!!
Mason is doing so much better with tummy time, he is now fond of rolling to his tummy. I think he is realizing there is more to his enviornment than the ceiling.
Mr B insisted I take a picture of him.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The duck tub returns!!!

Brandon still thinks all things belong to him....ah how to teach sharing to a 2 year old?
Mason loves his new (okay gently used like everything else of his...) ducky tub. He is getting better with sitting unassisted, so it is time to get rid of the infant tub. He looks pretty comfortable, don't you think?

Seem familiar to anyone....quite reminiscent of a picture we have of Brandon!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ear infections & more sleepless nights

"I've been caught sleeping in mommy's bed!!!!"

After more weeks (yes, weeks) of getting up 3-4 times a night with Mason, we decided another doctor visit was in order. I was determined that "something" had to be wrong with him as there had to be another explanation for the endless sleepless nights besides "bad habits". I felt happy, or better yet, relieved when Dr. Gloudeman's said "yep, he still seems to have an ear infection". This was promptly followed by feeling like a bad mother for not realizing sooner my baby wasn't feeling well. By the way, thanks to Deannea (my co-worker) for the thought that he may have an ear infection despite not having the usual symptoms.
So now we are on the next level of antibiotics, which lucky for us only has to be given once a day. Beware all parents who have to give there children Cefdinir....what goes in white, comes out a shade of red!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Physical Therapy follow up #2

Charlene, PT, was pleased with our progress. Mason is able to roll both tummy to back and back to tummy, his gross motor skills are on track, and his head measurements are now WNL (down to a 2 mm difference)!!! No helmets for us.
We are still to work on rolling, tummy time, placing items to the left, and really stretching the muscles in the neck (the left side) to prevent skin tears. We are returning in ~3 weeks to keep on eye on our progress. Good job Mason!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brotherly Bond

Mason has discovered sucking his bottom lip, in addition to his fingers, thumb, and everything else that will fit into his mouth...

Too bad I can't get Brandon to "pose" with Mason at the JCPenney portrait studio!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mason-5 months

"Could I be any more tubby, Mommy???"
Mason is regularly rolling from his tummy to his back but has only rolled the other way a couple of times. We are working on rolling, especially since we have an upcoming therapy follow up appointment. He is still getting up at night, which I think is mostly just a habit for him. He is mostly smiles and loves to be tickled...his laughter is contagious.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Grandpa visits

Grandpa and Brandon were basically inseparable during this past week when my dad came for a 4 day visit. If Grandpa left Brandon's sight, it was promptly followed by "Where did Grandpa go?". Brandon is becoming quite the helper, always the willing assistant, even when his help may not be needed!