Spring background

Monday, April 29, 2013

Surprise packages!!!!

Every now and then the boys and I discover we have a package waiting for us at the front door. This discovery usually sends the boys into a frenzy as they can't wait to find out who it's from and what's inside.  Today's package was thoughtfully sent from Aunt Gail and contained a variety of "treasures" (books, a neck light, a light stick, puzzles, and special paper for tracing our name) as Brandon calls them.  We are blessed to have someone think about us and care about us who lives so far away!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Citrus trees round 2

The winter months really took a toll on two of the three citrus tree's we planted last year, our orange tree was the only survivor as spring set in.  So here are the boys planting another lemon and limequat tree.  And by help I mean Brandon and Mason were more interested making mud-pies than planting but that's half the fun, right?  This winter we plan to work a little harder to help maintain our investment....

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Surprise for Momma

The boys made another trip to Mesquite Valley Growers and surprised me with two beautiful blue pots and flowers to put in them! 

Friday, April 26, 2013

Kings of the hill

Thanks to a "little" free dirt from one of my Dad's contacts, the boys have plenty of dirt to play in.  Mason has already discovered that he can move more dirt if he uses his tractors!  Here's to many, many nights of moving dirt. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Celebrating Momma's birthday

Mason insisted he was the "leader, you follow me"

of course, we love the flamingo area

The best I can get....at least they are both facing me!!!
This year I took off some extra time from work and used it to spend with the boys.  I even let them pick how we spent my birthday.  Fortunately, Brandon and Mason opted for the zoo instead of Pump it Up (like I was expecting) but either way how could I argue with these sweet little faces. 
We had fun running from exhibit to exhibit, Mason insisting he was the leader and even studying the map as if he knew where we were going!  Mason's favorite animal this trip had to be the elephants and the otters and lions were top on Brandon's list.   

Sunday, April 21, 2013

New bikes!!!

We finally got the kids real bikes and they both took right to them.  Mason absolutely loved his bike and probably spent an hour or two riding it around Grandma's neighborhood (sidewalks really make for easy riding).  Mason barely needed any assistance but did need gentle reminders to watch where he was going.  Brandon did well too, but didn't spend near the time that Mason did riding around. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Nothin' but the boots

Being the youngest in the family to have kids has been a blessing in disguise.   I always used to feel like our kids would be left out due to the age difference but that's not the case.  Easton and Ethan, being the oldest cousins, always make a point the play with the boys.  Being the last in the family to have kids has also meant tons of hand-me-downs, which we embrace with open arms! 
Mason's cowboy boots are just one of the great hand-me-downs and he loves them and Momma loves a man in boots! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Discovering nature

It has been a nice spring and the boys are back to loving the outdoors after a chilly winter.  The sandbox is getting much use and this afternoon the boys found an inch worm trying to escape the sand-trap.  The boys were pretty focused the poor little guy but luckily we agreed that he should be set free to find "find family".

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Curious Mason, Curious George

The boys love to be read to however Mason seems the most passionate about it.  He will often pull an arm-full of books of his shelf and ask "You read these".  He has even learned that he can stall bedtime by asking to be read to, again and again and again.  Lately our favorite books are Curious George and Good Night, Good Night Construction Site
Brandon is more and more interested in learning his letters and what words say.  He is no where near reading but we are working on letter/word recognition.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All in a row

Mason's favorite hobby, lining all his car, trucks, and tractors up, which I have been told was something Kevin used to do when he was little.

so sweet....