Spring background

Friday, January 29, 2016

Brandon's 7 year well check

Height: 51 1/4 inches (90-95%ile)
Weight: 67.5 lbs (95-75%ile)
Vision: 20/20

Brandon is still trending in his growth curve, shocking right!  Brandon is meeting and exceeding milestones.  Dr Gloudeman's had no concerns this visit and Brandon was pleased he wasn't due for any vaccinations.

Brandon favorites:
food-any kind of fruit but especially pomegranate, strawberries, cheese crisps, pizza, cheese, and momma's taco burritos!
cartoon: don't really have one
show: How It's Made
toys: Microscope (which is not a toy, it's a real functioning microscope)
class at school: art & science
Most read books: Ocean, Periodic Table of Elements, Science and Technology books.  Make him read his grade appropriate books but he really doesn't have much interest these books!

1st grade friends from school: Chase, Kelsey, Brenna; Brandon says he eats lunch and plays with Kelsey and Chase the most.  He also likes to hang out with Brenna but is sad that she will be moving away this summer.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

B's 7th B-day party

The birthday boy!!!

Brenna & Brandon....besties

by request, Momma's homemade strawberry cupcakes

decorating their party bags, getting ready for the pinata

Brandon & Renee

It only took 2 swings and it was busted, next time we will get a better quality pinata

The party crew checking out the birthday gifts.  Brandon was excited to have several friends from school attend his party (Brenna, Renee, Raymond) as well as lots of family at friends 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Brandon!!!

Happy 7th Birthday Brandon!!!  He choose dinner at Red Lobster, games at Peter Piper Pizza, and dessert at home followed by presents of course!

Sunday, January 17, 2016


Nama and Grandpa brought over my old desk for the boys.  Brandon was quick to claim it and start using it!

Mason getting a chance to sit at momma's old desk, using Momma's coloring plate set from when I was a little girl!

Brandon starting his "100-day" project for school.  He had to use 100 like items to make something found in nature.  He choose pom-poms to make a volcanco.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Daddy time

You are fair game if you choose to sit on the floor!  The dogs love to snuggle with us.

My sweet little guy!  He is still willing to pose for a picture for Momma.

Saturday, January 9, 2016


We got to spend the morning with Austin while Uncle Mike and Daddy worked on the trucks!