Spring background

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Last swim of the season!!!

 Of course, Brandon refuses to get into the pool despite proving to us at swim lessons (think indoor, heater pool) that he can swim (and put his head under water).
Mason still loves the water, even if it is a bit chilly!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


close up...

Brandon loves to make, write, and read words.  Little sponges...

Look out world, Mason is gonna be a dare-devil!

Daddy's chair

Everybody loves to sit in Daddy's brown chair....usually it is a source of fighting but these pictures happened to capture snuggling!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Silly Mason

Singing along with his favorite song on the radio, "...I'm getting drunk on a plane"

"Johnny Apple Seed"

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Kevin's Unit 1 Archery Elk

Chase and Kevin with the big kill!  Can't believe Chase is smiling.

Chase and his pack mule helping to pack it out!

I usually forget to post pics from the hunts on the blog, mostly because he files the hunting pictures in a different folder that I don't think to look at!  I can't do his hunting story justice so I'll let Kev tell it/post it but I do know he had fun spending time in his old stomping grounds with his family and friends. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Night of learning for the boys

All tuckered out after a long night of learning.  Brandon insisted I make flash cards for his kindergarten site words while Mason works on his favorite puzzle!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

My sweet little guy

my cowboy

Mom, you should recognize this headset...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Momma's little snuggle bug!

Mason LOVES to lay in Momma's bed and watch cartoons before bed!  He is such a snuggle bug, I am going to miss these little things when he is older, but for now I will soak it in....

Monday, September 1, 2014

B loses his 1st tooth!!!

 Brandon has been waiting for weeks for his first tooth to fall out and tonight it did!  Look out Tooth Fairy, what is the going rate these days??
The morning after the tooth fairy arrived, Brandon was a little sleepy but still excited the Tooth Fairy made her appearance!!!  She left a dollar (in quarters) for those wondering.

Labor Day weekend camping trip

love a man in wranglers and boots...just sayin'

Daddy's little minion...ah, the obsession starts soooo early

An evening view from our camp spot on Terry Flat

killing time at River Reservior while Daddy scouts

picking flowers for Momma, melts my heart

 My boys all spending a little time at camp

This was our last camping trip of the summer and it turned out to be a beautiful Labor day weekend!  The kiddos and I had lots of fun roaming around camp while Daddy did some scouting and trail camera checking.  That's right, Kev has a September tag for archery elk and you can bet that is why we spent soooo much time in these beautiful mountains!
Our camper has been awesome and I may never go back to tent camping, have I mentioned that before?  Honestly, it has made our trips that much better.  Hopefully Grandma Nama and Grandpa Bill will go camping with us in the spring......