Spring background

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Here we are, another (almost) year has been survived passed and we are still going strong.  So much has happened this year, I don't even know where to start.
Mason has started preschool (3's) with Mrs Pitcher and is doing great.  He likes to count to 20, is working on learning the ABC's, and is bring home very adorable artwork.  He is working on learning how to write letters and numbers, thanks to the dry erase workbooks Aunt Gail introduced us to. Mason loves the outdoors and is going to be our athlete as he loves to practice t-ball, kick the soccer ball, throw the ball for Lily, and will even sit with Kevin while watching televised sports.  As a side note, he "hates The Duke" and loves the UofA!!!!  He is now a boys size 4 or 5 depending on the retailer, he loves to wear his cowboy boots, and could (and does) spend hours playing in the dirt pile/sandbox.
Brandon started Kindergarten this year and LOVES it and his teacher, Mrs Stephenson.  He can count to 100 and to 1000 by hundreds, he can do simple addition, write 4-5 word sentences using his sight words, and loves to practice his skills on the dry erase board (best 20 bucks spent at Costco!!!).  He is resistant to reading but is getting better about sounding out words he does not know.  He can be quite stubborn with homework and I realize why I do not home school.  He has made many friends, one of which lives just down the street and seems to really be thriving at school.  Brandon is our "technical" kiddo.  He still loves to see how things work and has a very creative mind.  He absolutely loves gadgets and has asked for a "Dyson vacuum and more colored electrical tape" for Christmas.  
Kevin has been doing well at his engineering firm and really seems to be thriving himself.  He works long hours but really seems happy with the work he does and even more so with his direct boss.  I hope he excels at Kimley-Horn!  It's nice to have him come home with a smile.  He brought home a nice elk this year and our freezers are full of delicious meat.
I had back surgery (lumbar fusion) on the 17th and have been recovering well although possibly going a tad stir crazy.  For anyone who knows me, being idle drives me crazy!  I'm looking forward to all that 2015 will bring, especially the possibility of going part-time at work, getting back to running/exercise, and some fun family camping trips!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thanksgiving celebration 2014

Thanksgiving this year was slightly over-shadowed by my lumbar fusion the week prior but the boys had fun playing with friends and family at Grandma-nama and Grandpa Bill's house this year!