Spring background

Monday, May 28, 2012

White Sands 2012

Spending some last minute time together

Ashley trying to cover Brian in sand

Melanie creating art in the sand

Not too sure about all this white sand...

We buried Daddy!!!

Mason & Ashley, cute as buttons "playing" together

Mason seeking out some shade

the best of friends!
We finished off our trip with a visit to White Sands park on our way out of Alamogordo.  It's absolutely beautiful as you drive further into the park, surrounded by snow white sand dunes and nothing else.  Thankfully we got their early enough that we beat the crowds and had great weather.  Just a tip, slather on the sunscreen and wear sunglasses and a hat if you can, that sun really reflects off the sand!
The kids had a blast playing in the "big white sandbox", as Brandon refers to it!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Karr Canyon picnic

"Momma, where's the train?"

Mason, like Brandon, idolized Easton.
Day #3 was spent picnicing in Karr Canyon.  Brian showed us a re-built bridge and outlook that he helped develop.  It was a nice day to be up in the mountain, a nice break from the winds of Alamogordo in the spring.  Of course, no trip would be complete without the big boys (Brian and Kevin) "helping" the little kids build a dam, ...what else would you expect from these engineer-minded brothers???
We were even able to visit a local pisachio farm/winery...of course, we bought a couple bottles for later consumption!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

play hard, sleep soundly

hanging out before another fun day with the cousins
relaxing after our busy day

Brandon was convinced that our hotel room was our new "home", even asking me who was living in our "new house" back home. 

Birthday in the park

Happy Bithday Taylor!!!

The boys couldn't get enough of playing catch, look out B and M your next at bat...

Brooklyn, as always, content to be with the group

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Happy birthday Taylor!  She was a gracious birthday girl by letting everybody take a ride in the barbie jeep.  Brandon and Mason really liked the jeep, they weren't even phased by the pink and purple exterior...

Day #2

yes, I couldn't resist dressing the kids in matcing outfits!

Day #2 found us spending time at one of the local parks (one of the manyfor this small town), letting the kids expend some energy and trying to spend a little time outside before it was too windy.  We even got to see a train up close and personal....the train tracks are literally right next to the park...hold on to your kiddos!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day #1 in New Mexico

Here is Easton, getting pointers from Brian and Uncle Kevin!

Wind up and the pitch!

Easton, ever the ball player

Big smiles from Brooklyn

"Momma, no more picures"
We made it to New Mexico after ~6 hours in the car with two kiddos who were pretty resistant to the idea of sleeping despite being loaded into the car at 4am, thank goodness for DVD players!  We pretty much spent the afternoon relaxing with the rest of the family.  I will say this, it was just shy of chaos with 7 kids running around, but Brian and Peggy have a great backyard for the kids to raom around.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Via Velo!

Meet the Via Velo, the lastest edition to our stroller collection!  I have been wanting a stroller that will accomadate both kiddos and allow us both (Hubby and I) to exercise more often.  Our other double stroller is still functional and handy for outings however is definitely not meant for off road adventures.  The Via Velo is not only a jogger but is also a bike trailer with a weight limit up to 100 lbs!!!  We are already pushing ~70lbs between the two boys but this should last a long time!  Can't wait to take it to Sabino Canyon.
Both kids love to go for a ride and so far they get along well being contained side-by-side!  Brandon loves to zip and unzip the screen and the the clear weather cover and Mason just loves to be along for the ride. 
Now, our goal is to go for walks/jogs on a nightly basis but the realist in my thinks we will only fit it into the schedule every other night!  After all, the evenings are crazy enough as it is with making dinner, eating dinner, cleaning up dinner, baths, getting ready for the next day, getting teeth brushed, (and study for my re-certification (CNSC) exam this fall)!
Anybody know anyone in need of a gently used Chicco single stroller, car seat, and base (color: grey cubes)?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day

Yes, he still loves to use the watering can

Of course, Mason had to have a watering can too.

"Heavy!"  Yup, it's filled with water.

Exploring with Grandma Diane

Happy Mother's Day Grandma Diane!

Where did those birds go?

My boys!

relaxing with Momma

Getting snuggly after a busy day.
Happy Mother's Day 2012!  I spent Friday evening having drinks/appetizers and shopping with my mom and the rest of the weekend just spending time with Kevin and the boys.  We spent the evening of Mothers Day eve with Grandma Diane and Great-Grandma Dudley.  We had a great dinner and spent most of the evening outside, enjoying watching the kids roam.  The kids had fun playing with the watering cans, running up and down the hills with Grandma and Daddy, and checking out the bugs floating in the fountain.  Mason was especially cute, chasing the quail all over the grassy hills.  Literally, he was running as fast as he could to try to catch them, "birdie, birdie".